Shell Vancouver, BC Regular Rack Price

99.60 0.00 (0.00%)
Company: Shell
Source: Barchart Commodities
Location: Vancouver
Area: Vancouver, BC
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Symbol RBPAW065030.CM
Recent Value 99.60
Recent Date 01-16-2024
Prior Value 99.60
Prior Value Date 01-15-2024
First Value 99.60
First Value Date 01-16-2024

Information on this page is limited and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Subscribe to our API for full history and integration into your workflows.

Historical Data

01-16-2024 99.60
01-15-2024 99.60
01-12-2024 97.90
01-11-2024 96.40
01-10-2024 95.50
01-09-2024 93.60
01-08-2024 96.90