US Corn Price Idx

3.9180 -0.0146 (-0.37%)
Index Group: Nation
Source: Barchart Commodities
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Instrument Type Cash
Delivery Month Front Month
Recent Value 3.9180
Recent Date 07-03-2024
Prior Value 3.9326
Prior Value Date 07-02-2024
First Value 3.9180
First Value Date 07-03-2024

Subscribe to our API for prices disseminated on basis update events. Information on this page is restricted to only display monthly data. Full history is available to clients.

Historical Data (monthly)

07-01-2024 3.9180
06-01-2024 3.8952
05-01-2024 4.2709
04-01-2024 4.2699
03-01-2024 4.2062
02-01-2024 3.9942
01-01-2024 4.2559