Commodity Blog

Feb 4 2021

We Partnered with AgVantage to Bring More Data to Farmers

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with AgVantage, an established leader in the agribusiness software industry, to integrate their ERP software solutions within our Marketplace Apps. This integration will greatly simplify the workflows between agribusinesses and producers by making data such as grain contracts and scale tickets available.

With this exciting new integration, Barchart can now securely deliver personalized grower data from AgVantage directly to their mobile device, helping agribusinesses build stronger relationships with their producer community, and allowing growers to make decisions more confidently. 

With our new grain accounting integrations, your merchandisers can easily connect to their customers and provide farmers with access to scale tickets and contracts, as well as the ability to submit offers right on their phone. Marketplace even seamlessly integrates with cmdtyView the leading merchandiser desktop solution - through offer management, chat, and grower data. Giving your growers all the information they need right at their fingertips has never been easier!

With a cmdty Marketplace app you can increase producer engagement, move more grain, and drive your business forward. Experience Marketplace live and in action to see all the benefits and features you can leverage into your workflow - click here to watch our demo video. Ready to get started? Contact us here or drop us a line at

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