
Sep 2 2020

September Yield Forecasts for Corn and Soybeans Now Available!

Are you prepared for the upcoming WASDE report? If not, no worries, Barchart is here to help! Released for free to the public on the first Tuesday of each month during the growing season, and available to clients through daily updates, our Yield Forecasts allow users to get insights to guide their business decisions ahead of the USDA’s WASDE report.

We just announced our September cmdty Yield Forecast for end of season yield at 178.4 bu/ac for corn and 50.5 bu/ac for soybeans in the U.S. This represents an increase in forecasted yield relative to the August 4th report, which forecasted end of season yield for corn 174.8 bu/ac and end of season yield for soybeans 49.2 bu/ac.

As we continue to release these estimates, it's clear that we continue to provide strong and accurate yield forecasts for Corn and Soybeans, keeping our users ahead of the curve and allowing them to build robust pricing models. What’s next in forecasts for Barchart? In addition to our reliable yield forecasts, users will soon be able to receive access to production forecasts, giving them insight to even more data and equipping them with the information they need to make more efficient and smart decisions.

Looking for more insights to drive your business decisions? Register for our 2020 WASDE Preview Series where we take a deep dive into what our Yield Forecasts might mean for the upcoming USDA release. The next webinar session takes place Thursday, September 10th!

With better information on supply and demand, grain professionals can market their grain smarter and more confidently. Clients of cmdty get access to daily forecast updates through cmdtyView Pro, and are well positioned to anticipate possible changes in localized basis conditions.

In addition to yield forecasts, subscribers to cmdtyView Pro also have access to the latest proprietary data products offered through the cmdty product line. This includes recently released Wholesale Fruit and Wholesale Vegetable prices, as well as USDA Dairy Pricing. All of these products combine to make cmdty the leader in commodity data. To learn more about any of our services drop us a line at or reach out here.