
Apr 21 2020

County and CRD fundamental data for field crops now available in cmdtyStats

Fundamental Field Crop Data

You asked for it and we delivered! Over 28,000 data series from the USDA’s field crop reports which cover corn, soybeans, oats, wheat, and cotton commodities produced in the United States are now available in cmdtyStats, our global database for commodity fundamentals. These newly integrated data series will provide acreage planted and harvested, production, and yield for the field crops available at county and reporting district-level granularity. Explore our USDA data for field crops.

Corn Production

The addition of this data follows our recent integration of over 12,000 new data series from the USDA's Vegetables, Fruits and Tree Nuts reports which cover 63 different commodities produced in the United States. Explore our Data for Fruits & Nuts and our Vegetable data.

Vegetable Data

If it feels like we are constantly adding more data and features into our cmdtyStats database - it’s because we are! cmdtyStats subscribers already have access to data like our Yield Forecast and Growing Condition Indexes which provide estimates at the county, district, state, and national levels. With the addition of field crop data, the best keeps getting better! On top of that, as our cmdtyStats database continues to grow, each of our clients benefits from these additions at no cost to them. Explore all our global fundamental data and subscribe to cmdtyStats here.

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