Market Data

Historical Market Data & Prices

Get historical equity data and commodity prices delivered down to the precision you need. Barchart’s historical data is created from our real-time data feeds, and our APIs make it simple to build reliable data into your products.

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Make better decisions with better historical data

Spend more time focusing on your customers, product, and marketing by relying on high-quality historical data from Barchart.

Access tick-level information, bid ask data, and depth of market through APIs or File Services

Discover how Barchart OnDemand can get you to market faster than you ever thought was possible

Power beautiful charts and other client engagement tools with historical data through Barchart Digital services

Barchart’s redundant data integrity policies ensures our data meets the highest standards of accuracy

Available as part of a recurring subscription or through a one-time purchase of bulk information – Barchart can customize a package to suit your needs and deliver research-ready data to you today

Your decisions, products, and services are only as good as the data you have. Make better decisions, build better product, and sell more to your customers with our flexible and scalable historical data services.




Cross Connect


Java API

We deliver data exactly how you need it

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