LOS ANGELES Terminal Prices as of 22-OCT-2021
Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News
Federal - State Market News Service, USDA.
Phone: (213) 894-3077 Fax: (213) 894-2898
Weather at 7.00 am: MIST: 58
---ANISE: MARKET STEADY. cartons CA Central Coast California 12s 13.00-16.00
mostly 14.00-15.00 occas lower 24s 16.00-19.00 mostly 17.50-18.00 few 20.00 30s
22.00-25.00 mostly 23.00-24.00 few 27.50 occas lower
---ARRUGULA: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags CA 3.50-4.00 cartons bunched CA
12s 3.50
---BASIL: MARKET STEADY. 1 lb film bags CA 2.75 few 4.00 Opal 4.00-5.75 Thai
3.50-4.50 MX Baja District Opal 4.00-5.75 Thai 3.50-4.50 cartons bunched CA 12s
3.25-3.50 Opal 12s 6.00 Thai 12s 5.00
---BAY LEAVES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 13.00-15.00 mostly
13.75-14.00 few 17.00
---CELERIAC (CELERY ROOT): OFFERINGS LIGHT. 25 lb film bags CA 33.00-33.50
occas lower cartons CA With Tops 12s 24.50-26.50 occas higher 10 kg mesh sacks
NL AIR 47.00-49.00 occas higher
---CHERVIL: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 14.00-16.00 mostly
15.00-16.00 crates bunched CA 12s 13.00-15.00 mostly 14.00-15.00
---CHIVES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA Central Coast California
7.00-10.00 mostly 8.00-9.00 cartons bunched CA Central Coast California 12s
7.00-10.00 mostly 8.00-9.00 few 11.00
---CILANTRO: MARKET SLIGHTLY HIGHER. cartons bunched CA Central Coast
California 60s 18.00-20.00 mostly 18.00-19.00 Oxnard District California 30s
10.00-13.00 mostly 11.00-12.00 60s 13.00-16.00 mostly 14.00-15.00 occas higher
---DILL: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA Central Coast California
Baby 5.00-6.00 occas higher cartons bunched CA Central Coast California Baby
12s 5.00-6.00
---EPASOTE: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons bunched MX Baja District 12s 5.00
Central Coast California (1 dozen) offerings insufficient to quote
---HORSERADISH: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 5 lb cartons Local Repack 17.00-18.00
19.00-20.00 (washed white) 10 lb cartons Local Repack 36.00 (washed white)
33.00-34.00 40.00 (shrink wrapped) 50 lb sacks CA 142.00 (washed white)
130.00-132.00 MO 145.00-150.00 (shrink wrapped) 135.00-140.00 occas higher
---MARJORAM: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 8.50 MX Baja District
8.50 film bags bunched CA 12s 7.00-9.00
---MINT: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA Central Coast California
3.50-4.00 MX Baja District 3.50-4.00 cartons bunched CA Central Coast
California 12s 4.00
---OREGANO: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 4.00-4.25 MX Baja
District 4.00-4.25 cartons bunched CA 12s 4.50-4.75
---ROSEMARY: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags CA 3.00-4.00 mostly 3.50 MX Baja
District 3.00-4.00 mostly 3.50 cartons bunched CA 12s 3.50-4.00
---SAGE: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 4.00-5.75 mostly 5.00-5.75
MX Baja District 4.00-5.00 cartons bunched CA 12s 4.50-5.50
---SALSIFY: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons BL AIR 32.00-34.00 mostly 33.00-34.00
---SAVORY: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons bunched CA 12s 5.50-6.50 1 lb film bags
CA 5.25-8.00
---SORREL: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons bunched CA 12s 8.50-9.00 1 lb film bags
CA 7.50-8.50
---TARRAGON: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 1 lb film bags loose CA 6.00 few 8.00 MX
Baja District 6.00 few 8.00
---THYME: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons bunched CA Lemon 12s 10.00 film bags loose
CA 4.00-5.00 MX Baja District 4.00-5.00 1 lb film bags loose CA Lemon 8.00
---VERDULAGA: OFFERINGS LIGHT. cartons bunched MX Baja District 24s 6.00-8.00
CA Central Coast California 12s 14.00-16.50 occas higher/lower
---ANISE: cartons CA Central Coast California 12s 19.00
Wholesale Market Misc Herbs Report - Los Angeles, CA
Fri Oct 22, 2021
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