Saving and Printing Charts

You have multiple options to save or print a chart.

Save Image of a Chart

You can save an image of a chart. This can be useful if you wish to email the image, or insert it into another application such as a Word document.

  1. Right-Click on the chart and select Save Image of Chart.
    Result: The "Save Chart" dialog box appears.
    Save Image of Chart
  2. Select/navigate to a location where the chart will be saved.
  3. If desired, you may enter a new name for the chart
  4. Click Save.

Print Chart

You can print a chart, either shown "as is" in the application, or with a white background.

  1. Click the Settings drop-down list at the top right corner of the chart and select Print Chart.
    Right-Click on the chart and select Print Chart.
  2. Complete the information in the Print dialog box, and click Print.