The Major Markets Heat Map provides a visual representation of the performance of the stocks found in a sector or index. The stocks in the sector/index are initially arranged by market cap size, and today's performance is graphed.
The heat map displays the stocks in a grid, where the highest market cap is shown in the largest rectangle, down to the smallest market cap in the smallest rectangle.
A link to the sector/index is shown, along with the last price, percent change and price range for the selected period.
The controls at the top of the heat map allow you to
- select the sector or index
- select the performance time frame
- select the metric by which the heat map is presented. Options include market cap, price/earnings, earnings per share, annual income, 60-month beta, annual dividend, and dividend yield
- select the grid display. "By Size" will display each stock in a rectangle sized to correspond to the size of the selected metric. "Equal Size" displays each stock in the same sized rectangle, but still sorted (left to right and top to bottom) by the metric.
Hover over a stock to see its name, last price, change and change percent for the selected time frame, and market cap.
Clicking on any of the squares will take you to the stock's quote page.
Note: Use the "max" icon to pop the heat map out to a full-page view.