The ETF Overview page provides a snapshot of current market activity for the U.S. Exchange Traded Funds market.
52 Week New Highs & Lows
Shows ETFs that have made a new 52-week High or 52-week Low price, or matched a previous 52-Week High or Low price.
Mutual Funds YTD Performance Leaders
Based on end-of-day data, this widget shows Mutual Funds with the highest and lowest year-to-date percent change.
Today's ETF Performance Leaders
Shows the top Exchange Traded Funds ranked by highest percent change (Advances) and lowest percent change (Declines).
Today's ETF Price Surprises
Highlights ETFs that have unusually large price movement relative to their usual pattern, meaning ETFs that are seeing breakouts or abnormally large bull or bear moves. There may be trading opportunities in these large-movement ETFs.
ETF Trading Signals
Provides links to ETFs that are at a 100% Buy or a 100% Sell Opinion. Unique to, Opinions analyzes a stock or commodity using 13 popular analytics in short-, medium- and long-term periods. Results are interpreted as buy, sell or hold signals, each with numeric ratings and summarized with an overall percentage buy or sell rating.
ETF Market Leaders
Shows the performance leaders (highest and lowest percent change) for the current session.
ETFs by Asset Class
Search for ETFs by selecting from different Asset Classes.