IV Rank and IV Percentile offer different comparisons of Implied Volatility compared to the range over the past 1-year. IV Rank reflects the relative position of Implied Volatility compared to the yearly high and low values, and IV Percentile is the percentage of days when current Implied Volatility is greater. An elevated IV implies the market is expecting large price movements in the near term, which can often be found before earnings.
A low IV implies a period of calm. A green Implied Volatility means it is increasing compared to yesterday, and a red Implied Volatility means it is decreasing compared to yesterday.
Looking at the IV Rank and Percentile helps you determine whether the symbol's option prices (IV) are relatively high or low, and can assist you in determining an appropriate options strategy.
Volume is the total number of option contracts bought and sold for the day, for that particular strike price. Trading volume on an option is relative to the volume of the underlying stock. Traders should compare high options volume to the stock's average daily volume for clues to its origin.
Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility is the average implied volatility (IV) of the nearest monthly options contract that is 30-days out or more.
IV Rank
IV Rank is the at-the-money (ATM) average implied volatility relative to the highest and lowest values over the past 1-year.
If IV Rank is 100%, this means the IV is at its highest level over the past 1-year. An options strategy that looks to profit from a decrease in the asset's price may be in order. If the IV Rank is 0%, an options strategy that looks to profit from an increase in the asset's price may be in order.
IV Percentile
IV Percentile is the percentage of days where implied volatility closed below the current ATM IV over the past 1-year.
The page is initially sorted in descending daily Total Options Volume sequence. You can re-sort the page by clicking on any of the column headings.
Flipcharts are available, and you may choose to view charts for the underlying equity or for the option strike when you open the Flipcharts link. Site Members may also download the data on the page to a .csv file.
What's Included
For U.S. markets, an option needs to have volume of greater than 1000, open interest greater than 100, volatility greater than 0, and last price greater than 0.10. For Canadian markets, an option needs to have volume of greater than 50, open interest greater than 5.
Options information is delayed a minimum of 15 minutes, and is updated at least once every 15-minutes through-out the day. The page starts updating for the new trading day at approximately 8:50a CT.
Note:Â 0DTE Friday option expirations are removed from the website at 7:45pm ET each Friday.
Available only with a Barchart Premier Membership, you can base a Stock or ETF Screener off the symbols currently on the page. This lets you add additional filters in the Screener to further narrow down the list of candidates.
- Click "Screen" on the page and the Stocks (or ETFs) Screener opens, pulling in the symbols from the page.
- Add additional criteria in the Screener. Options Information for the underlying symbol can be found in the filter group called "Options View".
- View the results and if you wish, save the Screener to run again at a later date.
- Running a Saved Screener at a later date will always start with a new list of results. Your Saved Screener will always start with the most current set of symbols found on the source page (IV Rank and IV Percentile) before applying your custom filters and displaying new results.
Data Updates
For pages showing Intraday views, we use the current session's data with new price data appear on the page as indicated by a "flash". Stocks: 15 minute delay (Cboe BZX data for U.S. equities is real-time), ET. Volume reflects consolidated markets. Futures and Forex: 10 or 15 minute delay, CT.
The list of symbols included on the page is updated every 10 minutes throughout the trading day. However, new stocks are not automatically added to or re-ranked on the page until the site performs its 10-minute update.
For reference, we include the date and timestamp of when the list was last updated at the top right of the page.
Page Sort
Pages are initially sorted in a specific order (depending on the data presented). You can re-sort the page by clicking on any of the column headings in the table.
Most data tables can be analyzed using "Views." A View simply presents the symbols on the page with a different set of columns. Site members can also display the page using Custom Views.
Each View has a "Links" column on the far right to access a symbol's Quote Overview, Chart, Options Quotes (when available), Barchart Opinion, and Technical Analysis page. Standard Views found throughout the site include:
- Main View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, Change, Percent Change, High, Low, Volume, and Time of Last Trade.
- Technical View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, Today's Opinion, 20-Day Relative Strength, 20-Day Historic Volatility, 20-Day Average Volume, 52-Week High and 52-Week Low.
- Performance View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, Weighted Alpha, 5-Day Percent Change, 1-Month, 3-Month and 1-Year Percent Change, YTD Percent Change.
- Moving Averages View: Symbol, Name, Last Price, 20-Day Moving Average, % From 20-Day Moving Average, 50-Day Moving Average, % From 50-Day Moving Average, 100-Day Moving Average, % From 100-Day Moving Average, 200-Day Moving Average, % From 200-Day Moving Average.
- Fundamental View: Available only on equity pages, shows Symbol, Name, Market Cap, P/E Ratio (trailing 12 months). Earnings Per Share (trailing 12 months), Net Income, Beta, Annual Dividend, Dividend Yield, and Latest Earnings Date.
Note: For all markets except U.S. equities, fundamental data is not licensed for downloading. Your .csv file will show "N/L" for "not licensed" when downloading from a Canadian, UK, Australian, or European stocks page. - Mini-Chart View: Available for Barchart Plus and Premier Members, this view displays 12 small charts per page for the symbols shown in the data table. You may change the bar type and time frame for the Mini-Charts as you scroll through the page. The default settings for Mini-Charts are found in your Site Preferences, under "Overview Charts".
- Pre-Post Market Data: Available for Barchart Plus and Premier Members, this view will show any pre- or post-market price activity for U.S. equities only.
View Symbol More Data (+)
Unique to Barchart.com, data tables contain an option that allows you to see more data for the symbol without leaving the page. Click the "+" icon in the first column (on the left) to view more data for the selected symbol. Scroll through widgets of the different content available for the symbol. Click on any of the widgets to go to the full page. The "More Data" widgets are also available from the Links column of the right side of the data table.
Also unique to Barchart, Flipcharts allow you to scroll through all the symbols on the table in a chart view. While viewing Flipcharts, you can apply a custom chart template, further customizing the way you can analyze the symbols. Flipcharts are a free tool available to Site Members.
Note: Flipcharts, unlike the full-page chart or Dashboard, does not stream updated data to the chart.
Download is a free tool available to Site Members. This tool will download a .csv file for the View being displayed. For dynamically-generated tables (such as a Stock or ETF Screener) where you see more than 1000 rows of data, the download will be limited to only the first 1000 records on the table. For other static pages (such as the Russell 3000 Components list) all rows will be downloaded.
Free members are limited to 1 site download per day. Barchart Plus Members have 10 downloads per day, while Barchart Premier Members may download up to 250 .csv files per day.
Note: Due to licensing restrictions, Canadian fundamental data cannot be downloaded from Barchart.com. You will see "N/L" in a downloaded column when this is the case. Fundamental data for US equities is also limited to 15 fields per download request.
Should you require more than 250 downloads per day, please contact Barchart Sales at 866-333-7587 or email solutions@barchart.com for more information or additional options about historical market data.