What happened
Two somewhat under-the-radar biotech companies saw their share prices soar this week after agreeing to be acquired. CinCor Pharma (NASDAQ:CINC) is being bought out by deep-pocketed pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, while Albireo Pharma (NASDAQ:ALBO) is set to be owned by France-based peer Ipsen.
Both of these deals are very lucrative, to the point where CinCor's stock rocketed 146% over the course of the week, and Albireo shot 92% skyward, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence.
So what
Both deals were announced on Monday, resulting in those share-price blasts. Of the pair, CinCor was the splashier, both in terms of the acquirer and the price. It's also very possible that it'll wrap up quicker: As per CinCor and AstraZeneca's agreement, the latter must initiate a tender offer by Tuesday, Jan. 23.
It's going to be quite the offer. The sale price is $26 per share, a beefy 121% premium to the stock's closing price the previous trading day, which values CinCor at $1.3 billion. And that's without milestone payments, which if fully realized would drive the latter figure up to $1.8 billion. The transaction will be entirely in cash.
As for the Albireo arrangement, Ipsen is acquiring it basically to get its leading investigational drug Bylvay -- a treatment for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestatis (PFIC), a disorder of the liver. That'll cost it $42 per share (putting the total value of the deal at $952 million), with an additional $10 per share contingent upon Bylvay winning Food and Drug Administration approval by the end of 2027.
Now what
It's safe to say that a great many biotech investors put money into the sector hoping for a giant payday when a big player swoops in for an acquisition. In the case of both CinCor and Albireo, the week's two monster winners in the sector, investor faith was very well placed.
10 stocks we like better than CinCor Pharma
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*Stock Advisor returns as of January 9, 2023
Eric Volkman has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.