News Commentary
NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Transformative developments in the field of nuclear energy have led to a growing interest in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are nuclear reactors with a capacity of less than 300 MWe. The development of SMRs has been driven by the need for clean, safe, and flexible energy sources to meet the growing energy demands of the world. Generally, modern small reactors for power generation, and especially SMRs, are expected to have greater simplicity of design, economy of series production largely in factories, short construction times, and reduced siting costs. Such reactors are also designed for a high level of passive or inherent safety in the event of malfunction. The development of SMRs has not gone unnoticed by investors. Back in 2021, NuScale Power completed its merger with Spring Valley Acquisition Corp to create the world's first publicly traded SMR technology company. NuScale Power Corporation (NYSE:SMR), ArcelorMittal S.A. (NYSE:MT), Brookfield Business Partners L.P. (NYSE:BBU), BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:BWXT), Rolls Royce Holdings plc (OTC:RYCEY)