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Avnet Inc (AVT)

Avnet Inc (AVT)
36.03 x 6 53.59 x 1
Post-market by (Cboe BZX)
48.15 -1.19 (-2.41%) 03/20/25 [NASDAQ]
36.03 x 6 53.59 x 1
Post-market 48.15 unch (unch) 16:46 ET
Balance Sheet for Thu, Mar 20th, 2025
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Fiscal Year End Date: 06/30

(Values in U.S. thousands)
  06-2024 06-2023 06-2022 06-2021 06-2020
Current Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents 310,941 288,230 153,693 199,691 477,038
Receivables 4,391,187 4,763,788 4,301,002 3,576,130 2,928,386
Inventories 5,468,730 5,465,031 4,244,148 3,236,837 2,731,988
Other current assets -2 -3 0 0 0
TOTAL $10,370,550 $10,750,850 $8,876,626 $7,163,421 $6,328,806
Non-Current Assets
PPE Net 568,169 441,557 315,204 368,452 404,607
Intangibles 780,984 780,629 758,833 866,644 839,171
Other Non-Current Assets 489,442 504,120 437,869 526,905 532,613
TOTAL $1,838,595 $1,726,306 $1,511,906 $1,762,001 $1,776,391
Total Assets $12,209,150 $12,477,160 $10,388,530 $8,925,422 $8,105,197
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,345,510 3,373,820 3,431,683 2,401,357 1,754,078
Accrued Expenses 573,055 753,130 591,020 572,457 472,924
TOTAL $4,465,269 $4,249,378 $4,251,654 $3,055,238 $2,280,366
Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Debt 2,406,629 2,988,029 1,437,400 1,191,329 1,424,791
aiOther Non-Current Liabilities 411,745 488,083 506,718 594,671 673,642
TOTAL $2,818,374 $3,476,112 $1,944,118 $1,786,000 $2,098,433
Total Liabilities $7,283,643 $7,725,490 $6,195,772 $4,841,238 $4,378,799
Shareholders' Equity
Shares Outstanding, K 88,112 91,491 94,668 99,504 98,778
Common Shares 89,046 91,504 95,702 99,601 98,793
Retained earnings 3,601,812 3,378,212 2,921,399 2,516,170 2,421,845
Other shareholders' equity -486,723 -409,381 -481,248 -153,747 -388,380
TOTAL $4,925,504 $4,751,669 $4,192,760 $4,084,184 $3,726,398
Total Liabilities And Equity $12,209,147 $12,477,159 $10,388,532 $8,925,422 $8,105,197
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