Sydney, July 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Archer Materials Ltd (ASX:AXE) (OTCMKTS:ARRXF) (FRA:38A) has received an early indication of on-chip qubit control in microscopic-scale qubit material, marking highly encouraging progress as part of its 12CQ chip quantum computing chip development. Click here
- QMines Ltd (ASX:QML) (FRA:81V) is in trading halt ahead of receiving exploration results. Click here
- Elementos Ltd (ASX:ELT) (OTCMKTS:ELTLF) (FRA:9EM) board of directors have approved moving the development of the Oropesa Tin Project (Project) directly to a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS). Click here
- Okapi Resources Ltd (ASX:OKR) (FRA:26O) shares surged as high as 55% intra-day on Monday after signing a transformational binding agreement to acquire 100% of Tallahassee Resources, which holds a portfolio of large, high-grade uranium projects in the US. Click here
- Chalice Mining Ltd (ASX:CHN) (OTC-BB:CGMLF) intends to demerge its highly prospective Australian gold assets subject to shareholder and regulatory approvals. Click here
- Antipa Minerals Ltd (ASX:AZY) has identified large new zones of high-grade gold and copper mineralisation in the first batch of assay results from the 2021 drill program at its 100%-owned Minyari Dome Project in Western Australia’s Paterson Province. Click here
- Rumble Resources Ltd (ASX:RTR) is officially the sole owner of the Braeside Zinc-Lead Project in Western Australia’s East Pilbara region. Click here
- Zelira Therapeutics (ASX:ZLD) (OTCMKTS:ZALDF) has secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for a pain observational trial to take place in the US. Click here
- Anteris Technologies Ltd (ASX:AVR) has achieved a breakthrough in manufacturing the tissue used in ADAPT® treated products from bovine pericardium, after developing specialised machinery to create consistently thin tissue through an innovative processing technique. Click here
- Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL) has palladium and nickel soil sampling underway at its Norseman Project near Kambalda in Western Australia with more than 500 samples collected from an 1,800 metre sample program. Click here
- Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has uncovered more semi-massive and massive sulphides while extending the mineralised intrusion footprint at the Mawson nickel-copper-cobalt prospect within the flagship Rockford Project on Western Australia’s Fraser Range. Click here
- Fe Limited (ASX:FEL) has passed another key milestone at JWD Iron Ore Project near Wiluna in Western Australia’s Mid-West with the start of haulage to the port facilities at Geraldton. Click here
- Twenty Seven Co Ltd (ASX:TSC) has identified three large areas of gold-in-soil anomalism at the Yarbu Gold Project in Western Australia after receiving auger drilling results of up to 164 ppb gold. Click here
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