Sydney, Sept. 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Auroch Minerals Ltd (ASX:AOU) offers a great way to play the nickel thematic with Western Australian sulphide explorers at the forefront of this growing industry, as per capital market provider PAC Partners. Click here
- Venture Minerals Ltd (ASX:VMS, OTC:VTMLF) has intersected 16 metres of potentially tin-bearing sulphide-rich, magnetite skarn while drilling at Mount Lindsay Project in Tasmania on a priority tin target along strike from the Renison Bell Mine, one of the world’s highest grade tin mines. Click here
- Nexus Minerals Limited (ASX:NXM) is more than 56% higher after returning multiple high-grade gold intersections from 13 reverse circulation (RC) holes at the Templar Prospect, within its Wallbrook Gold Project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Click here
- DomaCom Australia Ltd (ASX:DCL) chairman Grahame Evans and director Ross Laidlaw have shown confidence in the company’s fractional investment platform by participating in the company’s recent entitlement offer. Click here
- Kinetiko Energy Ltd (ASX:KKO) is in the process of negotiations with drilling contractors to undertake the upcoming 3-well drilling program at its flagship Amersfoort Project in South Africa. Click here
- Buru Energy Ltd (ASX:BRU) continues drilling the Rafael 1 well in Western Australia’s Canning Basin with operations on schedule and with no incidents or rig downtime. Click here
- King River Resources Ltd (ASX:KRR) has tabled its new definitive feasibility study (DFS) strategy, considering how it will produce its ultra-high-purity aluminium precursor compound, known as type 1, at its proposed Kwinana facility in WA. Click here
- Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has received encouraging assay results from a stream sediment sampling program undertaken in early 2021 at the Burracoppin Gold Project in WA. Click here
- Elementos Ltd (ASX:ELT, OTC:ELTLF) has extended a new zone of shallow tin mineralisation at Oropesa Tin Project in Spain upon receiving its latest high-grade diamond drilling results from hole ADD_22. Click here
- Red 5 Ltd (ASX:RED) is a step closer to bringing its King of the Hills’ (KOTH) processing plant online as construction progresses on schedule and within budget at Leonora, Western Australia. Click here
- Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL) is raising $6.5 million to facilitate ongoing drilling and exploration for Nova-style nickel/copper/cobalt deposits at its Fraser Range project. Click here
- Brookside Energy Ltd (ASX:BRK) has taken a key step towards drilling the high-impact Rangers Well in the SWISH Area of Interest (AOI) in Oklahoma’s world-class Anadarko Basin by securing a drilling rig. Click here
- Miramar Resources Ltd (ASX:M2R) has outlined a 600-metre gold anomaly in its first aircore drilling campaign at the Glandore Project in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields region. Click here
- Global Energy Ventures Ltd (ASX:GEV) has secured funding from the Western Australian Government under round two of the WA Renewable Hydrogen Fund. Click here
- Aeris Resources Ltd (ASX:AIS) has ticked off its phase-2 drilling program at the Constellation deposit within the wider Tritton tenement package in NSW with new results of up to 18.4 metres at 9.4% copper demonstrating further high-grade potential and again exceeding expectations. Click here
- Okapi Resources Ltd (ASX:OKR, FRA:260) has jumped 53% after a highly successful start to its maiden drilling program at the Enmore Gold Project in northern NSW with thick, shallow high-grade gold intersected, including 174 metres at 1.83 g/t gold from surface. Click here
- Alta Zinc Ltd (ASX:AZI) has honed in on a ÂÂlarge-scale exploration target that stands to extend the size and scope of the Gorno Zinc Project in northern Italy. Click here
- Cauldron Energy Ltd (ASX:CXU) has received strong validation of its strategy focusing on uranium, sand and gold projects with a heavily oversubscribed private placement raising $1.2 million. Click here
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