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46.99 -1.16 (-2.41%) 03/21/25 [NASDAQ]
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Post-market 47.00 +0.01 (+0.02%) 18:12 ET
Cash Flow for Fri, Mar 21st, 2025
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Fiscal Year End Date: 06/30

(Values in U.S. thousands)
  06-2019 06-2018 06-2017 06-2016 06-2015
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net Income 176,337 -156,424 525,278 506,531 571,913
Depreciation Amortization 372,925 421,850 155,360 79,590 82,191
Income taxes - deferred 33,801 -87,141 -17,705 107,598 8,697
Accounts receivable 464,981 -296,175 -371,820 191,209 -247,645
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities -377,855 409,608 163,604 -326,217 117,513
Other Working Capital -60,900 -6,170 -256,749 -713,259 -376,378
Other Operating Activity -74,519 -32,063 -566,659 378,863 427,592
Operating Cash Flow $534,770 $253,485 $-368,691 $224,315 $583,883
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
PPE Investments -122,690 -155,873 -120,397 -137,375 -133,356
Net Acquisitions -56,417 -15,254 -802,744 N/A N/A
Other Investing Activity 153,895 242,858 2,261,615 -15,138 -52,987
Investing Cash Flow $-25,212 $71,731 $1,338,474 $-152,513 $-186,343
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Change In Short Term Borrowing N/A N/A 296,374 541,500 N/A
Debt Issued 61,067 -126,104 -79,396 181,196 -36,124
Debt Repayment N/A 0 -1,042,158 18,695 N/A
Common Stock Repurchased -568,712 -323,516 -275,884 -380,943 -159,984
Dividend Paid -87,158 -88,255 -88,657 -88,594 -87,330
Other Financing Activity 12,127 -4,018 1,577 -238,499 -57,550
Financing Cash Flow $-582,676 $-541,893 $-1,188,144 $33,355 $-340,988
Exchange Rate Effect -1,902 1,418 23,267 -6,232 -52,970
Beginning Cash Position 621,125 836,384 1,031,478 932,553 928,971
End Cash Position 546,105 621,125 836,384 1,031,478 932,553
Net Cash Flow $-75,020 $-215,259 $-195,094 $98,925 $3,582
Free Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow 534,770 253,485 -368,691 224,315 583,883
Capital Expenditure -122,690 -155,873 -120,397 -137,375 -133,356
Free Cash Flow 412,080 97,612 -489,088 86,940 450,527
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