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Avnet Inc (AVT)

Avnet Inc (AVT)
36.03 x 6 53.59 x 1
Post-market by (Cboe BZX)
46.99 -1.16 (-2.41%) 03/21/25 [NASDAQ]
36.03 x 6 53.59 x 1
Post-market 47.00 +0.01 (+0.02%) 18:12 ET
Cash Flow for Fri, Mar 21st, 2025
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Fiscal Year End Date: 06/30

(Values in U.S. thousands)
  12-2024 09-2024 06-2024 03-2024 12-2023
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net Income 146,209 58,956 498,699 416,033 327,199
Depreciation Amortization 64,257 33,809 140,504 104,332 68,932
Income taxes - deferred -40,713 -17,572 -9,749 12,895 12,599
Accounts receivable -59,604 -94,393 316,218 424,437 287,320
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 312,861 213,610 4,496 -23,247 -78,082
Other Working Capital 232,455 808 11,234 -152,612 -539,437
Other Operating Activity -211,313 -88,893 -271,418 -366,108 -162,106
Operating Cash Flow $444,152 $106,325 $689,984 $415,730 $-83,575
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
PPE Investments -61,135 -31,776 -226,478 -200,210 -158,088
Other Investing Activity 347 330 994 629 373
Investing Cash Flow $-60,788 $-31,446 $-225,484 $-199,581 $-157,715
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Debt Issued 84,900 16,547 -156,486 -129,157 58,600
Debt Repayment -392,562 -824 N/A 22,884 303,499
Common Stock Repurchased -152,199 -99,995 -162,723 -86,027 -86,027
Dividend Paid -57,420 -28,861 -111,963 -84,154 -56,138
Other Financing Activity 4,534 3,766 -2,627 -8,033 2,665
Financing Cash Flow $-512,747 $-109,367 $-433,799 $-284,487 $222,599
Exchange Rate Effect -9,422 -8,932 -7,990 -1,419 3,311
Beginning Cash Position 310,941 310,941 288,230 288,230 288,230
End Cash Position 172,136 267,521 310,941 218,473 272,850
Net Cash Flow $-138,805 $-43,420 $22,711 $-69,757 $-15,380
Free Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow 444,152 106,325 689,984 415,730 -83,575
Capital Expenditure -61,135 -31,776 -226,478 -200,210 -158,088
Free Cash Flow 383,017 74,549 463,506 215,520 -241,663
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