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Ironsource Ltd Cl A (IS)

Ironsource Ltd Cl A (IS)
N/A x N/A N/A x N/A
Post-market by (Cboe BZX)
2.74 -0.09 (-3.18%) 11/04/22 [NYSE]
N/A x N/A N/A x N/A
Post-market 2.74 unch (unch) -
Cash Flow for Fri, Nov 4th, 2022

Fiscal Year End Date: 12/31

(Values in U.S. thousands)
  06-2022 03-2022 12-2021 09-2021 06-2021
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net Income 26,498 13,772 59,821 39,016 20,248
Depreciation Amortization 31,124 13,735 24,118 17,428 11,217
Income taxes - deferred -16,160 -3,835 644 -534 -728
Accounts receivable -2,736 16,470 -82,584 -41,016 -38,866
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities N/A -4,985 97,701 63,769 N/A
Other Working Capital -118,176 -28,966 -17,788 2,181 -46,095
Other Operating Activity 54,749 14,403 56,810 29,137 72,503
Operating Cash Flow $-24,701 $20,594 $138,722 $109,981 $18,279
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
Change In Deposits -150,000 N/A 17,590 17,590 17,590
PPE Investments -10,017 -5,230 -12,209 -9,187 -6,362
Net Acquisitions -356,589 -353,626 -127,549 -90,184 -89,340
Purchase Of Investment -1,000 N/A -20,000 -20,000 -20,000
Purchase Sale Intangibles N/A N/A -1,950 -1,950 -1,950
Other Investing Activity 0 0 -1,950 -1,929 -1,950
Investing Cash Flow $-517,606 $-358,856 $-144,118 $-103,710 $-100,062
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Debt Repayment N/A N/A -85,000 -85,000 -85,000
Common Stock Issued 3,680 2,483 2,625 1,887 342
Other Financing Activity 0 0 663,813 663,813 672,893
Financing Cash Flow $3,680 $2,483 $581,438 $580,700 $588,235
Exchange Rate Effect -3,981 -1,317 2,627 815 139
Beginning Cash Position 781,756 781,756 203,087 203,087 203,087
End Cash Position 239,148 444,660 781,756 790,873 709,678
Net Cash Flow $-542,608 $-337,096 $578,669 $586,971 $506,591
Free Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow -24,701 20,594 138,722 109,981 18,279
Capital Expenditure -10,017 -5,230 -12,240 -9,187 -6,362
Free Cash Flow -34,718 15,364 126,482 100,794 11,917
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