Sydney, May 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Great Boulder Resources Ltd (ASX:GBR) shares have hit a new two-year high as initial results from reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the Mulga Bill prospect within the Side Well Gold Project in Western Australia intersected bonanza grade gold of up to 1-metre at 136 g/t. Click here
- Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX:YRL) has hit 1-metre at 20.68 g/t gold from 118 metres, its highest primary gold grade to date at Gordons Dam Prospect within the wider Gordons Gold Project in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder region of Western Australia. Click here
- Core Lithium Ltd (ASX:CXO) (OTCMKTS:CXOXF) has drilling contracts signed with major lithium exploration and resource drilling programs set to begin in coming weeks at the Finniss Lithium Project near Darwin in the Northern Territory. Click here
- Firefinch Ltd (ASX:FFX) (FRA:N9F) (OTCMKTS:EEYMF) has revealed a new Life of Mine plan (LOMP) for the Morila Gold Mine in Mali, West Africa, outlining annual average production of 160,000 ounces to 2030 through mining and processing of around 37.5 million tonnes at 1.33 g/t for 1.45 million recovered ounces. Click here
- Bellevue Gold Ltd (ASX:BGL) made strong progress during the March quarter as the company closes in on becoming a high-grade, long-life gold producer in a tier-1 location in Western Australia. Click here
- Westar Resources Ltd (ASX:WSR) is committed to systematic evaluation and exploration of its portfolio of projects in Western Australia, including extensive drilling, through diligent application of capital and resources. Click here
- Orthocell Ltd’s (ASX:OCC) strong cash position of $17.77 million at the end of the March quarter will enable the company to progress key regulatory approvals and its commercialisation strategy. Click here
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