
High Grade Copper May '17 (HGK17)

2.5595s -0.0325 (-1.25%) 05/26/17 [COMEX]
N/A x N/A N/A x N/A
underlying price ()
Technical Analysis for Fri, May 26th, 2017
Period Moving Average Price Change Percent Change Average Volume
5-Day 2.5818 -0.0145 -0.56% 569
20-Day 2.5470 -0.0370 -1.42% 668
50-Day 2.5859 -0.1180 -4.41% 44,570
100-Day 2.6281 +0.0640 +2.56% 38,376
200-Day 2.4735 +0.3630 +16.53% 20,182
Year-to-Date 2.6268 +0.0475 +1.89% 38,029
Period Raw Stochastic Stochastic %K Stochastic %D Average True Range
9-Day 58.61% 75.99% 85.30% 0.0358
14-Day 62.03% 78.52% 85.44% 0.0393
20-Day 42.62% 50.71% 53.84% 0.0423
50-Day 36.23% 43.12% 45.77% 0.0481
100-Day 24.45% 29.10% 30.89% 0.0474
Period Relative Strength Percent R Historic Volatility MACD Oscillator
9-Day 50.08% 41.39% 13.37% 0.0102
14-Day 49.35% 37.97% 11.23% 0.0318
20-Day 48.50% 57.38% 19.19% 0.0295
50-Day 49.43% 63.77% 18.54% -0.0094
100-Day 50.98% 75.55% 20.24% -0.0538
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