Sydney, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:
- Horizon Minerals Ltd (ASX:HRZ) has received further validation of the golden potential of Boorara Gold Project, 15 kilometres east of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in the Western Australian Goldfields, with an updated independent mineral resource estimate delivering a 34% increase in grade. Click here
- archTIS (ASX:AR9) recorded a successful March quarter with its overall revenue, recurring revenue and gross profit all increasing significantly. Click here
- Cirralto Ltd (ASX:CRO) recorded 25% growth in cash receipts and 12.5% growth in customers, its March quarterly report has revealed. Click here
- MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX:MXC) (LON:MXC.LN) (OTCMKTS:MGCLF) (FRA:H5O) has completed arguably its best-ever quarter, with a London Stock Exchange (LSE) listing and record sales highlighting a busy period. Click here
- Buru Energy Limited (ASX:BRU) (OTCMKTS:BRNGF) (FRA:BUD) has increased production from the Ungani Oilfield JV onshore in the Canning Basin in the southwest Kimberley region of Western Australia to in excess of 1,000 barrels of oil a day (bopd). Click here
- Pan Asia Metals Ltd (ASX:PAM) is well-positioned to advance current assets and secure additional ones as it moves into the next growth phase following a successful listing on the Australian Stock Exchange in October 2020. Click here
- St George Mining Ltd (ASX:SGQ) (FRA:S0G) has used recent geophysical surveys to identify multiple new nickel-copper sulphide targets at its flagship high-grade Mt Alexander Project in WA's north-eastern Goldfields. Click here
- Great Southern Mining Ltd (ASX:GSN) has identified and ranked 21 new gold targets after evaluating a newly acquired regional exploration database in the Duketon Belt that include more than 12,000 drill holes and 24,000 soil samples. Click here
About Proactive 
With six offices on three continents and a team of experienced business journalists and broadcasters, Proactive works with innovative growth companies quoted on the world’s major stock exchanges, helping executives engage intelligently with investors.
Proactive’ s platform delivers the right message to the right audience, digitally and in real time, leveraging a range of media, investment research, digital investor targeting and website development services to support over 1,000 fast-growing companies globally.
Proactive’s network reaches over 12 million engaged private, professional and institutional investors looking for opportunities.
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• Our news coverage ranks high on the world’s most popular search platforms, and we can further amplify online presence and outreach with sophisticated digital investor targeting.
• We help the world understand what makes companies stand out from the crowd with in-depth investment research from a team of experienced analysts.
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