Investors in Costamare Inc. CMRE need to pay close attention to the stock based on moves in the options market lately. That is because the Jan 17, 2025 $5.00 Call had some of the highest implied volatility...
Shares of ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. ZIM have performed brilliantly in 2024, gaining 86.6% year to date. Owing to this solid rally, shares of this shipping company have easily surpassed its...
The Chart of the Day belongs to the container shipping company Costamare (CMRE) . I found the stock by using Barchart's powerful screening functions to find stocks with the highest technical buy signals,...
Costamare is a small-cap shipping stock that trades at a cheap multiple, while offering shareholders a tasty dividend yield of 4%.
Costamare shareholders are having a good day -- but there could be rougher seas ahead.