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US Soybean Basis Idx
ZSDAUS-BIW.CM 4,506,573 unch unch
US Soybean Production Forecast
ZSYAUS-BIW.CM 52.03 unch unch
US Soybean Yield Forecast
XSK25 3,416s +51 +1.52%
DCE No.2 Soybean
XTK25 4,006s +6 +0.15%
DCE No.1 Soybean
ZCH25 488-0 +3-6 +0.77%
ZCPAUS.CM 4.5270 +0.0374 +0.83%
US Corn Price Idx
ZCBAUS.CM -0.3530 -0.0002 -0.06%
US Corn Basis Idx
XVK25 2,288s +1 +0.04%
DCE Corn
XEH25 77.66 -0.47 -0.60%
BMF Cash Corn
FLG25 1.73750s -0.00750 -0.43%
Ethanol Chicago
ZCDAUS-BIW.CM 15,671,136 unch unch
US Corn Production Forecast
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US Corn Yield Forecast
XBH25 215.00 +0.75 +0.35%
ZWBAUS.CM -0.5421 unch unch
US Soft Red Winter Wheat Basis Idx
MWBAUS.CM -0.4589 -0.0015 -0.33%
US Spring Wheat Basis Idx
MWH25 591-0 +7-4 +1.29%
Spring Wheat
ZWH25 548-4 +9-6 +1.81%
MLH25 228.75 +2.25 +0.99%
Milling Wheat
ZRH25 14.850 +0.045 +0.30%
Rough Rice
Y2H25 2,662s unch unch
CZCE Japonica Rice
FQG25 2.6210s +0.0038 +0.15%
ULSD NY Harbor Micro
ZOH25 361-4 -1-0 -0.28%
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Sugar #11
KAH25 0.1822s -0.0019 -1.03%
CME Sugar #11
SDH25 35.25s unch unch
Sugar #16
SWH25 466.50 -7.80 -1.64%
White Sugar #5
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