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Red Cat Holdings Inc
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3Dx Industries Inc
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Exploits Discovery Corp
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Mamamancini's Holdin
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Currenc Group Inc
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HS.CN 0.5300 unch unch
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Skye Bioscience Inc
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Honey Badger Silver Inc
HX.VN 0.310 +0.015 +5.08%
Dajin Lithium Corp
RSLV.VN 0.075 +0.005 +7.14%
Reyna Silver Corp
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Bitmine Immersion Technologies Inc
DELCF 0.0001 unch unch
Delic Holdings Corp
DELC.CN 0.0050 unch unch
Delic Holdings Corp.
PRPH 0.3886 -0.0103 -2.58%
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Pyrogenesis Cda Inc
COV.VN 2.300 +0.010 +0.44%
Covalon Technologies Ltd
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Prostar Hldgs Inc
AYRO 0.5300 +0.0180 +3.52%
Ayro Inc
SOPA 1.1700 unch unch
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BWLK.VN 0.130 unch unch
Boardwalktech Software Corp
WWR 0.6330 -0.0005 -0.08%
Westwater Resources
NRVTF 0.0606 -0.0025 -3.96%
Noram Lithium Corp
USAU 11.50 +1.20 +11.65%
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Kintara Therapeutics Inc
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Silver Scott Mines Inc
NRM.VN 0.090 -0.005 -5.26%
Noram Lithium Corp
HMENF 1.2705 -0.0195 -1.51%
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HAVN.CN 0.0300 unch unch
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Eat Well Investment Group Inc
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HME.VN 1.820 -0.010 -0.55%
Hemisphere Energy Corp
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Pressure Biosciences Inc
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China Electronics Holdings Inc
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Reyna Gold Corp
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Forbidden Spirits Distilling Corp
KDK.VN 0.470 -0.010 -2.08%
Kodiak Copper Corp
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Nanalysis Scientific Corp
DMGI.VN 0.270 -0.020 -6.90%
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Honey Badger Silver Inc
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