Investors can avoid trying to pick individual winners and losers by investing in exchange-traded funds.
For every artificial intelligence success story like Nvidia, there could be dozens of failures.
You don't have to pick winners and losers in the artificial intelligence industry if you follow a simple strategy of investing in ETFs.
Analysts are forecasting explosive demand for AI products, and that offers investors a massive opportunity.
Exchange-traded funds offer investors a simple way to build wealth in the stock market over the long term.
Choosing individual AI stocks can be intimidating. ETFs can make things a lot easier for AI-minded investors, though.
AI stocks delivered strong returns this year, but it came with plenty of volatility.
Investors don't have to pick winners and losers in the artificial intelligence industry if they follow this strategy.
Picking the individual winners and losers in artificial intelligence won't be easy.
Can you buy Anthropic stock? Anthropic is not yet publicly traded, but there are other ways you can get in on this branch of AI. Learn more.